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Lehká hlava

Key details

Where? City Centre | Old Town
Type of establishment Restaurant
Cuisine Mediterranean | Vegetarian
Budget $$

Lehká hlava (Clear Head) is a vegetarian restaurant in Prague’s Old Town. In every room in this restaurant, there is a slightly different atmosphere. An intimate section, with comfortable seats is set aside for you in a room whose walls are painted navy blue and whose ceiling is decorated with hundreds of stars. A room with bright colours, on the other hand, is excellent for lunch with friends

The menu offers a really wide variety of foods, including dishes for vegans and people on gluten-free diets. You’ll find truly original combinations, for example vegetable soup with red lentils and coconut milk.

Free Wi-Fi
Credit Card

Want to know a secret?

You can also visit the sister vegetarian restaurant Maitrea, which offers slightly different food but which is equally delicious.

maskot agp


Lehká hlava Boršov 2/280 Praha 1 – Staré Město 110 00