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Na Rozhraní

Key details

Where? Beyond the Centre | Dejvice
Type of establishment Restaurant
Cuisine International
Budget $$

This restaurant has been in business since 1910 and lies within walking distance of the Písek Gate (Písecka brána) and the Létohradek královny Anny (Queen Anne’s Summerhouse). The hundred years of the restaurant’s history are partly reflected in the furnishings. Wooden panelling features in the interior and the restaurant has a modestly decorated ceiling.

Somewhat rambling, the menu does not have a focus. However, in the children’s section, this is an advantage. Little diners can order pasta with sugar and poppy seeds, meatballs with mashed potatoes, or pasta with tomato sauce and chicken, instead of the usual fish fingers.

Adults will surely appreciate the game dishes and not only that: meat dishes in general are a strong point at the restaurant. This is why many families in the neighbourhood patronise Na Rozhraní for celebrating life anniversaries of those with rather conservative tastes.

Free Wi-Fi
Credit Card

Want to know a secret?

Twice a week, on Wednesdays and Thursdays, the restaurant holds live evening piano performances, always starting at seven o’clock.

maskot agp


Na Rozhraní Srbská 286/7 Praha 6 – Dejvice 160 00