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Eat & Drink - Tea & Coffee

Where to find good coffee shops and tea houses in Prague

Café Vítkov

At Café Vítkov, Prague stretches out in front of you, with panoramas in all directions. Resembling a glass cube, the café stands on a flat ...


If you emerge from Jiřího z Poděbrad metro station and are feeling hungry or just fancy a snack, you’re in luck. Cafefin, which offers a ...


The name of this restaurant (Sugarcoffeelemonade) refers to a Czech kids’ game along the lines of the statues game. The name also gives you ...


The Globe Bookstore was the first English bookstore in Prague. It stocks lots of new and second-hand books. It also sells newspapers and ...


In an almost overlooked location off a thoroughfare in the heart of Vinohrady, this café is named after a sacred building at Mecca, perhaps ...

Můj šálek kávy

In the heart of Prague’s Karlín district, Můj šálek kávy (equivalent to the English expression “My Cup of Tea”), does its trade directly. ...

Národní kavárna

This establishment (National Café), located on Národní třída, near the National Theatre, helped shape the Czech nation. A witness to the ...

Sicily Café

At Sicily Café, near the Jindřišská Bell Tower, you can choose every day from two soup options and four main dishes, including at least one ...

Spižírna 1902

At Spižírna 1902 (larder), you’ll find a bistro, café, and tapas bar rolled into one. The name of this establishment refers to the pantries ...


This Vinohrady sweet shop, café and patisserie is furnished in the light-hearted style typical of the 1920s, the era of the First ...

Týnská literární kavárna

You’ll find the Týnská literární kavárna (Týn Literary Café) amidst the labyrinth of streets of the Old Town. It lies very close to the Týn ...

U Zavěšenýho kafe

Have you heard of a hanging coffee (the name of the café in translation)? Someone pays for an extra drink in advance, in case a fellow ...